AMY WENG | The beginning of September marks the opening of the Asian Aotearoa Arts Hui 2018, and a three-week long celebration of diverse Asian New Zealand creative arts. Ahead of the event, past and present hui organisers Kim Lowe, Amy Weng and Kerry Ann Lee caught up to talk about how the hui has developed, what issues remain unsolved, and what hope this year’s event will bring…
Asian New Zealand Art & Culture
Tagged Events
Asia New Zealand-related arts and culture events
Food to nourish the soul at Tasting Words
On your left as you come up Great North Rd, just before Titirangi Rd going west, there is a cluster of restaurants serving great food – noodle houses, dumpling joints, a kebab shop. There’s also a dairy, a barbers, a vape store, a locksmith, Woottons Auto Accessories and two kinds of tool stores. This strip…
EVENT: Asian New Zealand Artists Hui | Saturday 8 July 2017
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangarangatanga maha, tēnā koutou katoa Hainamana invites you to a hui to discuss the role of Asian New Zealand artists in the field of contemporary art. Over the past two decades, the emergence of Asia as an economic and cultural epicentre has lead to a re-evaluation of…